Network with the 31,000+ Veterinarians, Veterinary Nurses, Veterinary Technicians, Practice Managers, and Employer members of our regional Facebook and LinkedIn groups. You can browse Veterinary Jobs, share your Locum Relief availability and even post great permanent Veterinary Jobs and Locum Relief work for free and in a more structured way – open to job seekers AND employers – feel free to join any Regional Group that may be of interest. Or join the 102,000+ Veterinary Professionals that Follow or Like us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and more, and be among the first to see our latest veterinary jobs as soon as they are published…
On putting your Own Well-Being First
Improving your well-being is not as simple as taking a week-long holiday at a health spa, or simply getting more exercise and improving your diet. Though all of these are important to Veterinary Professional Wellbeing (and wouldn’t we all like to justify our own annual spa retreats), stress management and mental health care require fundamental changes to our daily lives. Remember that you deserve to nurture yourself to the same degree that you look after your patients. How do you cope when you are being pulled in so many directions, mentally as well as physically? Here are some essential first steps…
The pursuit of Appiness: 6 Must-Have Apps for Locum Relief Veterinary Professionals
Remember how Charlie’s Angels received practical assistance from Bosley, whilst Batman had Alfred managing his personal life? As a highly in-demand locum relief veterinary professional, you too will benefit from some background support to achieve your full medical superhero potential. Unless you also happen to be a multi-millionaire who can afford a butler, we’d suggest utilizing these six super helpful apps to help you stay focused, calm, and collected both on and off the job…
New Veterinary Career Options – Time for a Fresh Approach?
Now that we are beginning to see some light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and we are settling into a ‘new normal,’ there are many opportunities to take your career in new and exciting directions. While the pandemic gave some people a lot of time for reflection, many in the veterinary world are busier than ever thanks to ‘pandemic puppies,’ staffing changes, and more. And while many vets thrive on the fast pace, there may be something about going to the same job every day, which is beginning to lose its thrill. Maybe there are just not enough surprises anymore…or maybe there’s no predictability whatsoever! You don’t need to give up vet med to freshen up your career, and of course, your training doesn’t ever need to stop (they don’t call it continuing education for nothing). If you’re willing to explore new horizons with an open mind (which could be quite an adventure in its own right), you’ll find a host of interesting and surprising veterinary careers that you may not have considered, or maybe didn’t know existed, or didn’t even exist at all when you started…
How To Achieve a Low-Stress Locum Relief Life
Locum relief work can alleviate some of the stressors associated with permanent positions, whilst still allowing veterinarians, nurses and vet techs to perform the clinical work they enjoy. Many veterinarians, nurses and vet techs have considered moving to locum relief work to experience all the financial and lifestyle benefits it can potentially offer. If you’re ready to make the leap to locum work, check out our practical tips for achieving the ultimate “Low-stress, Fear-Free” locum relief lifestyle – no Feliway required!…
Veterinary Student Debt: the Good, the Bad & Some Answers
So you have successfully started that professional veterinary career you worked so hard to achieve. You expected it would be a tough road getting there, but you persisted and you’ve made it and you are really enjoying being a practicing Veterinary Professional – Veterinarian, Vet Tech, Veterinary Nurse, and more. What you hadn’t anticipated was a pandemic and how it may impact your debt situation – no one could have. You are not alone. And as student loans are now the second-highest consumer debt category almost worldwide, the first being mortgages, here are some essential tips to help you successfully manage your veterinary student debt in these challenging times…
A Day in My Life as a Locum Relief Vet
If you have considered a transition to relief or locum medicine, you’re not alone. An increasing number of veterinarians are looking to locum relief work as a way to maximize flexibility and quality of life, while also earning a lucrative income. Relief medicine appeals to a wide variety of vets, from parents wanting more time with their children to young vets seeking time for travel and adventure, and more. Before making a transition to relief or locum medicine, you should understand what working as a relief vet actually entails. How will your days flow, and what will be expected of you? So, to help you out here is a day in the life of a locum relief vet…
5 Ways to Accelerate Your Veterinary Career in a Post-COVID World
Although the challenges of this global pandemic are by no means behind us, green shoots are beginning to appear and with that, the prospect of starting to look a little further ahead than you may have in a while. And that includes your career. Do you feel your career has stalled during the pandemic? Per the Pulse of the American Worker survey, 26% of workers are planning to switch jobs post-COVID, and 80% are doing so because they’re concerned about career advancement – similar surveys in the UK and Australia reaffirm that this is a global situation. Concerns about skill stagnation, company culture, flexibility and work-life balance are at “top of mind” for many veterinary professionals, stretched far too thin during the past year. So if you are 1 of those 1 in 4 considering a change, here are five key ways you can accelerate your veterinary career now that the masks are starting to come off…
Locum Relief Work – Why, and How to Get Started
With an increasing number of pets and amplified demand for high-quality pet care, veterinary teams are feeling the pressure more than ever before. As a competent locum relief veterinary professional, every day you are more welcome than a bowl of ice cream at a children’s birthday party! Read on to discover the top five benefits of locum relief veterinary work, plus our practical tips for expanding your career into the locum relief space, be it full-time or occasionally…